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“Audials”, “visuals” and “kinesthetics” does not exist

Separation into audials, visuals and kinesthetics, like many other popular theories, are just … myth. Isn’t it time to debunk him and find out the truth about yourself?

“We use only 10% of the capabilities of the brain”. “Listening to Mozart, we become smarter”. “Law -hemispheric people are more creative than the rest”. Scientists call these and many other statements “neuromifs”, that is, false ideas about the brain and training.

They also include a very popular division of people into audials, visuals and kinesthetics. But over the years of the spread of this theory, many are accustomed to consider this part of their personality or to determine in this way their own children or students.

“You see, I am a visual, so I do not perceive the information by ear”. “My child is a kinesthetic, so he does not want to read, but is ready to work with toys”. Is all this a global error?

Scientific truth

The Laboratory of Cognitive Health Study at the University of Lawrence in Canada studies just neuromifs of learning styles associated with “audio”, “visual” and “kinesthetic” characteristics of people.

It turned out that 90% of Canadian teachers are convinced that this division is true. Based on it, they build methods of training and interaction with children. But is the differences in the development of the brain of different people so great?

Of the 100 billion neurons that are already in the brain of the child at birth, each develops a unique network of synaptic ties. But this development does not make the brain of one person completely different from the brain of another. In other words, neither auditory, nor visual, nor tactile perception “leads” as the main way of communication with the world.

Scientists offer skeptics to take a photo of a person who bit mosquitoes. Without warning, show this photo to a friend, an “audience”, and


you will see that he will begin to react kinesthetic, that is, combing the skin without realizing this. This is what the real functioning of the brain looks like.

Self -consuming prophecies

Are neuromifs so harmless? It would seem – well, a person considers himself so or a ranger. so what? But in fact, false beliefs about themselves, about children or students work as “self -consuming prophecies”. That is, we program with their help ourselves.

If you or your child show musical abilities, you just have to put the “Audial” stamp, and the motivation for teaching other subjects, such as history, literature or geometry will be lost. “I still can’t remember all these countries and continents – I’m an audience”. We understand what such a belief leads to.

But what if a child could become a wonderful scientist, retaining a love of music as a hobby? Neuromifs can close many opportunities for a person. Such prejudices are especially harmful for teachers and tutors who build training programs, based on a false concept.

What really need to be taken into account? That the human brain loves to perceive the world with different organs of feelings. This enhances synaptic ties between them. Therefore, training materials, classes, performances, presentations and other options for the presentation of information in our daily life should use both visual, auditory, and tactile ways of perception.

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